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GO_term: GO:0048142   

GO:0048142 Definition The four rounds of incomplete mitosis undergone by the insect cystoblast to form a 16-cell cyst. Within the cyst, one cell differentiates into an oocyte while the rest become nurse cells.
The four rounds of incomplete mitosis undergone by the cystoblast to form a 16-cell cyst. Within the cyst, one cell differentiates into an oocyte while the rest become nurse cells. As in, but not restricted to, the true insects (Insecta, ncbi_taxonomy_id:50557).
Term cystoblast cell division (sensu Insecta)
cystoblast division (sensu Insecta)
Parent Instance_ofGO:0007282
Component_of GO:0030727
Attributes_of Index Ancestor (69)
Descendent (17)