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Link to Y71F9AL.1Link to Y71F9AM.6.2Link to Y71F9AM.6.3Link to Y71F9AM.6.1Link to Y71F9AM.5.1Link to Y71F9AM.5.2Link to Y71F9AM.4aRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentLink to Y71F9AM.6.2Link to Y71F9AM.5.2Link to Y71F9AM.5.1geneMap
Gene/ORF Y71F9AM.6 Ace View of Y71F9AM.6
Y71F9AM.6 Details Help
Homology Group (KOG)  Translocon-associated complex TRAP, alpha subunit
Location   I:2927994..2931654
RNAi Phenotypes
Postembryonic WT_postembryonic_morphology ; WT_postembryonic_morphology
Larva Let ; Lva ; Lva
Adult Pvl ; Ste ; Unc ; Unc
External Links  wormbase.org NCBI.org NBrowse
Associated RNAi Experiments View Summary
Embryonic Phenotypes  Emb Penetrance 100 %
Adult Phenotypes  Pvl
Adult Phenotypes  Oth 200-500 cells
RNAi Reagent Name & Type sjj_Y71F9A_279.b (PCR reagent)
Remark  multiple female pronuclei
Laboratory  JA
Date  2000-11-16
Reference  Fraser AG et al. (2000) Nature "Functional genomic analysis of C. elegans chromosome I by systematic RNA ...."
Movies/Stacks/Images  /static/images/movie.gif /static/images/movie.gif /static/images/movie.gif /static/images/movie.gif
Embryonic Phenotypes  Emb Penetrance 90 %
Larval Phenotypes  Lva
Adult Phenotypes  Unc
RNAi Reagent Name & Type sjj_Y71F9A_279.b (PCR reagent)
Laboratory  NL
Date  2003-10-01
Strain  NL4256 rrf-3(pk1426)
Reference  Simmer F et al. (2003) PLoS Biology "Genome-wide RNAi of C. elegans using the hypersensitive rrf-3 strain reveals ...."
Embryonic Phenotypes  Emb Penetrance 50 - 80 %
Larval Phenotypes  Lva
RNAi Reagent Name & Type sjj_Y71F9A_279.b (PCR reagent)
Laboratory  NL
Date  2003-10-01
Strain  NL4256 rrf-3(pk1426)
Reference  Simmer F et al. (2003) PLoS Biology "Genome-wide RNAi of C. elegans using the hypersensitive rrf-3 strain reveals ...."
Embryonic Phenotypes  Emb Penetrance None reported
Adult Phenotypes  WT_postembryonic_morphology
RNAi Reagent Name & Type Cenix:77-a1 (PCR reagent)
Delivery Method  Injection
Remark  early embryonic: Overall wildtype.
Laboratory  TH
Date  2005-3-24
Reference  Sonnichsen B et al. (2005) Nature "Full-genome RNAi profiling of early embryogenesis in Caenorhabditis ...."
Embryonic Phenotypes  Emb Penetrance None reported
Adult Phenotypes  WT_postembryonic_morphology
RNAi Reagent Name & Type Cenix:191-h4 (PCR reagent)
Delivery Method  Injection
Remark  early embryonic: No significant defects seen in any of the recordings.
Laboratory  TH
Date  2005-3-24
Reference  Sonnichsen B et al. (2005) Nature "Full-genome RNAi profiling of early embryogenesis in Caenorhabditis ...."
Gene Plot of Y71F9AM.6 Browse using GBrowse
Gene Map