Link to F30F8.3Link to F30F8.9b.2Link to F30F8.9a.1Link to F30F8.9a.2Link to F30F8.9b.1RNAiRNAiRNAiRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentgeneMap Link to F30F8.3Link to F30F8.9b.2Link to F30F8.9a.1Link to F30F8.9a.2Link to F30F8.9b.1RNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentgeneMap
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RNAi Experiment: PF:GL1_3B8 Ace View of PF:GL1_3B8
Genes Inhibited How is RNAi inhibition determined?
Gene Inhibited  F30F8.3
Description of "F30F8.3"  Associated GO Term : protein binding
KOG Annotation  PDZ domain
What's a KOG?
Evidence for Inhibition 
ePCR Status: Best_ePCR (I:7835635..7837321)
Transcript overlap: 985 nt
Explain types of evidence for RNAi inhibition
Sliding Window Raw score: 880
Relative score: 1 (This gene has the best score for this RNAi reagent)
Specificity index: 0.866
Wormbase (BLAST) RNAi primary
External "F30F8.3" Links  Wormbase NCBI
Gene Inhibited  F30F8.9
Evidence for Inhibition 
ePCR Status: Bottom50_percentile_ePCR (I:7835635..7837321)
Transcript overlap: 178 nt
Explain types of evidence for RNAi inhibition
Sliding Window Raw score: 137
Relative score: 0.155 (Best raw score= for Gene )
Specificity index: 0.134
Wormbase (BLAST) RNAi primary
External "F30F8.9" Links  Wormbase NCBI
PF:GL1_3B8 Phenotypes Help with Phenotypes
Embryonic  Emb Penetrance 10 %
PF:GL1_3B8 Experiment Details Ace View
Laboratory  KK
RNAi Reagent & Type  sjj_F30F8.3 (PCR_reagent)
Remark  PCR product contains flanking T7 promoter sequences
Reference  Piano et al. (2002) Curr Biol "Gene Clustering Based on RNAi Phenotypes of Ovary-Enriched Genes in C. elegans"
Delivery Method  Injection
Date  2002-11-19
Gene Plot of F30F8.3 Browse using GBrowse
Gene Graph
Gene Plot of F30F8.9 Browse using GBrowse
Gene Graph