Link to Y39A1A.12.1Link to Y39A1A.12.2Link to Y39A1A.13RNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentLink to Y39A1A.12.2Link to Y39A1A.13geneMap Link to Y39A1A.12.1Link to Y39A1A.12.2Link to Y39A1A.13RNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentLink to Y39A1A.12.2Link to Y39A1A.13geneMap
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RNAi Experiment: Simmer:Y39A1A.13:Screen Ace View of Simmer:Y39A1A.13:Screen
Genes Inhibited How is RNAi inhibition determined?
Gene Inhibited  Y39A1A.13
Evidence for Inhibition 
ePCR Status: Best_ePCR (III:10645957..10647623)
Transcript overlap: 765 nt
Explain types of evidence for RNAi inhibition
Sliding Window Raw score: 640
Relative score: 1 (This gene has the best score for this RNAi reagent)
Specificity index: 0.696
Wormbase (BLAST) RNAi primary
External "Y39A1A.13" Links  Wormbase NCBI
Gene Inhibited  Y39A1A.12
Description of "Y39A1A.12"  Y39A1A.12 encodes a homolog of origin recognition complex 1, which is also a distant paralog of CDC-6; both Y39A1A.12 and CDC-6 encode homologs of the origin complex which, in yeast, controls the start of DNA replication; whether either Y39A1A.12 or CDC-6 are required for this function in C. elegans, individually or in parallel, is unknown.
KOG Annotation  Origin recognition complex, subunit 1, and related proteins
What's a KOG?
Evidence for Inhibition 
ePCR Status: Top50_percentile_ePCR (III:10645957..10647623)
Transcript overlap: 384 nt
Explain types of evidence for RNAi inhibition
Sliding Window Raw score: 279
Relative score: 0.436 (Best raw score= for Gene )
Specificity index: 0.304
External "Y39A1A.12" Links  Wormbase NCBI
Simmer:Y39A1A.13:Screen Phenotypes Help with Phenotypes
Adult  Pvl
Simmer:Y39A1A.13:Screen Experiment Details Ace View
Laboratory  NL
RNAi Reagent & Type  sjj_Y39A1A.13 (PCR_reagent)
Strain  NL4256 rrf-3(pk1426)
Reference  Simmer F et al. (2003) PLoS Biology "Genome-wide RNAi of C. elegans using the hypersensitive rrf-3 strain reveals ...."
Date  2003-10-01
Gene Plot of Y39A1A.13 Browse using GBrowse
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Gene Plot of Y39A1A.12 Browse using GBrowse
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