Go to NBrowse


an interactive graphical browser for molecular interaction networks

Running N-Browse


Java JRE/JDK version 1.5 and above.

(for session saving & loading 1.6 is required)   

Note: For handling large graphs and and session saving in the N-Browse Applet,  Java 1.6 update 10 or higher is recommended.

To find out your version of Java being used, try the link:

To switch Java versions:
Under Windows, use the Control Panel -> Programs -> Java
Under Mac, use the Utilties -> Java Preferences

To get the latest version of Java for PC/Unix, you can go to http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp
For Macs, you can go to http://support.apple.com/downloads

Java Webstart:

N-Browse is available as a webstart application. After selecting the webstart link you may get a question from your browser asking what it should do with this file. Select Web Start Launcher and hit "OK". 

webstart open with pic


Because of security issues, you will see a security warning popup.
Click "Run" to allow the application to run and to read/write network files on your computer.

webstart trust pic

Java Applet:

N-Browse is also available as an applet. After selecting the applet link, a security warning popup will occur - just like the webstart version. 
Click "Run" to allow the application to run and to read/write network files on your computer.