Go to NBrowse


an interactive graphical browser for molecular interaction networks


September 2010 N-Browse is now integrated with the modMine database web service [link modMine: search, mine and download data from the modENCODE project (www.modencode.org) ].
Cytoscape SIF files can also now be imported/exported.

April 2010 TAIR (The Arabidopsis Information Resource [link TAIR] has announced their use of NBrowse as their interface for molecular interaction data and will have a link to NBrowse on their website.
There is now a test beta release of N-Browse available (unstable release).  The link is: NBrowse 2 Test Version
The production beta release is: NBrowse 2 Production Version

August 2009 A new version of NBrowse is ready for beta testing. NBrowse2 is a major reimplementation of NBrowse. New features include:
* Runs either as an applet (inside a web browser) or as a stand-alone application (launched with Java WebStart)
* A new graphical engine with fast rendering of large graphs and 3D capability, JNet (based on the open source molecular structure viewer JMol
* A new windowing system, InfoNode
* Can connect to multiple databases; choose from a list of databases from within the GUI
* Cooperates with the Gaggle, an open-source system to mediate data transfer between independent applications
Try NBrowse 2
Provide feedback: admin - at - gnetbrowse.org
Join the user list: gmod-nbrowse-users - at - lists.sourceforge.net
Report bugs as a registered sourceforge.net user.
NBrowse2 is currently being developed by Mark Gibson and Monty Schulman in the Gunsalus laboratory at NYU.

September 2008 A chapter detailing the operation, installation and configuration of NBrowse has been published in Current Protocols in Bioinformatics:
Kao HL and Gunsalus KC. Browsing multidimensional molecular networks with the generic network browser (N-Browse). Current Protocols in Bioinformatics 2008; Chapter 9:Unit 9.11

January 2006 N-Browse has been chosen as the graphical viewer for molecular interaction data at WormBase (physical interactions, genetic interactions, regulation, etc.). WormBase newsletter [pdf].