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Gene: C09D8.1   

Identity (5)
Gene_info Gene_classptp
Allele (10)
Phenotype [Chisholm AD] op147 mutation is a Tc1 insertion in the first phosphatase domain of PTP-1. op147 mutants display variable low penetrance defects in epidermal morphogenesis; about 5% embryonic lethals at 20. op147 is slightly ts.
[C.elegansII] NMK. Encodes predicted tyrosine phosphatase. [CR]
Strain (2)
GO_term (8)
Structured_description Provisional_descriptionptp-3 encodes a receptor-like tyrosine phosphatase orthologous to the LAR (Leukocyte Common Antigen Related, OMIM:179590) subfamily of receptor-like tyrosine phosphatases that contain extracellular immunoglobulin-like and fibronectin type III domains and have been implicated in linking cell adhesion to intracellular phosphotyrosine levels; PTP-3 plays a role in gastrulation and epidermal development and functions partly redundantly with the VAB-1 Eph receptor and ephrins VAB-2 and EFN-4 to regulate embryonic morphogenesis; PTP-3 is expressed in many tissues during early embryogenesis, but expression later becomes localized to neuronal processes and epithelial adherens junctions. Paper_evidence (2)
Date_last_updated17 Jun 2004 00:00:00
Concise_descriptionptp-3 encodes a receptor-like tyrosine phosphatase orthologous to the LAR (Leukocyte Common Antigen Related, OMIM:179590) subfamily of receptor-like tyrosine phosphatases that contain extracellular immunoglobulin-like and fibronectin type III domains and have been implicated in linking cell adhesion to intracellular phosphotyrosine levels; PTP-3 plays a role in gastrulation and epidermal development and functions partly redundantly with the VAB-1 Eph receptor and ephrins VAB-2 and EFN-4 to regulate embryonic morphogenesis; PTP-3 is expressed in many tissues during early embryogenesis, but expression later becomes localized to neuronal processes and epithelial adherens junctions.
Molecular_info Corresponding_CDS C09D8.1a
Corresponding_protein WP:CE30244
Corresponding_PCR_product smd_C09D8.1
Corresponding_RNAi_reagent (5)
Other_sequence AF316539
Experimental_info (5)
Reference (14)
Remark Worm ortholog of LAR-family receptor tyrosine phosphatases Worm ortholog of LAR-family receptor tyrosine phosphatase. Chisholm AD
This gene was originally called ptp-1 (and ypp-1 before that), but ptp-1 is now a separate and different gene [020809 krb]