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Gene: C47D12.6   

Identity Version1
Name (6)
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans
HistoryVersion_change107 Apr 2004 11:29:41WBPerson1971 EventImportedInitial conversion from geneace
Gene_info Gene_classtrs
GO_term GO:0004812 IEA Inferred_automatically
GO:0005524 IEA Inferred_automatically
GO:0006412 IEA Inferred_automatically
GO:0005489 IEA Inferred_automatically
GO:0005506 IEA Inferred_automatically
GO:0006118 IEA Inferred_automatically
GO:0006418 IEA Inferred_automatically
GO:0004829 IEA Inferred_automatically
GO:0006435 IEA Inferred_automatically
GO:0004185 IEA Inferred_automatically
GO:0006508 IEA Inferred_automatically
Structured_description Provisional_description This gene encodes a protein predicted by Eisenberg and coworkers, with 52% accuracy, to be mitochondrial.Paper_evidenceWBPaper00004424
Date_last_updated17 Jun 2004 00:00:00
Proteins localized to a given organelle by experiments tend to share a characteristic phylogenetic distribution of their homologs, called a phylogenetic profile.
For instance, mitochondrial proteins can be identified effectively by their phylogenetic profiles.
By applying phylogenetic profile analysis to the C. elegans genome, Eisenberg and coworkers inferred that this gene, along with 2-4% of all the nuclear genes in C. elegans, encodes a mitochondrial protein.
The large fraction of organism-specific and eukaryote-derived genes suggests that C. elegans mitochondria perform specialized roles absent from prokaryotic mitochondrial ancestors.
Concise_descriptionThis gene encodes a protein predicted by Eisenberg and coworkers, with 52% accuracy, to be mitochondrial.
Molecular_info Corresponding_CDS (2)
Corresponding_protein (2)
Corresponding_RNAi_reagent (5)
Experimental_info (3)
Reference (2)