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RNAi: Cenix:12-b6   

Experiment LaboratoryTH
Author Sonnichsen B
Koski LB
Walsh A
Marschall P
Neumann B
Brehm M
Alleaume AM
Artelt J
Bettencourt P
Cassin E
Hewitson M
Holz C
Khan M
Lazik S
Martin C
Nitzsche B
Ruer M
Stamford J
Winzi M
Heinkel R
Roder M
Finell J
Hantsch H
Jones SJ
Jones M
Piano F
Gunsalus KC
Oegema K
Gonczy P
Coulson A
Hyman AA
Echeverri CJ
Date24 Mar 2005 00:00:00
Inhibits (6)
WB_Homol Homol_homol C06G3:RNAi
Supporting_data External_Movie (12)
Remark early embryonic: Polar Body Extrusion
early embryonic: Failure of meiosis resulting in unextruded polar body material leading to karyomeres. Good reproducibility.
Results Phenotype Emb
Passage Through Meiosis defective
Phenotype_summary (7)
DB_infoDatabasePhenobank2 Gene&RNAID GeneID=721&RNAID=851