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Gene: F13D12.7   

Identity (5)
Gene_info Gene_classgpb
Allele (2)
Phenotype[C.elegansII] pk13. Tc1 insertion, also excision derivatives pk44: recessive lethal, arrests at L1 stage with very little body wall or pharyngeal muscle activity. In absence of maternal rescue, probably arrests as early embryonic lethal. [NL; JA]
Strain NL344
GO_term GO:0009790 IMP (2)
GO:0000132 IMP (2)
GO:0040013 IMP (2)
GO:0046662 IMP (2)
GO:0005834 ISS Paper_evidenceWBPaper00002525
IEA Inferred_automatically
GO:0004871 IEA Inferred_automatically
GO:0007186 IEA Inferred_automatically
Structured_description Provisional_descriptiongpb-1 encodes a heterotrimeric G protein beta subunit that is required during embryonic development for the proper orientation of the mitotic spindle during early cell divisions and thus affects the orientation of early cell division axes, and is also required for larval viability, negatively regulates locomotion and egg-laying, and may affect germline development and osmotic balance; expressed in early embryos with highest expression at cell membranes and colocalizes with asters just before and during early cell divisions (this localization is dependent upon G alpha subunits); adults display high levels of expression in neurons with lower expression in the somatic gonad, vulva, and hypodermal seam cells and expression is also detected in the intestine, pharynx, body wall muscles and in the germline. Paper_evidence WBPaper00002525
Date_last_updated17 Jun 2004 00:00:00
Concise_descriptiongpb-1 encodes a heterotrimeric G protein beta subunit that is required during embryonic development for the proper orientation of the mitotic spindle during early cell divisions and thus affects the orientation of early cell division axes, and is also required for larval viability, negatively regulates locomotion and egg-laying, and may affect germline development and osmotic balance; expressed in early embryos with highest expression at cell membranes and colocalizes with asters just before and during early cell divisions (this localization is dependent upon G alpha subunits); adults display high levels of expression in neurons with lower expression in the somatic gonad, vulva, and hypodermal seam cells and expression is also detected in the intestine, pharynx, body wall muscles and in the germline.
Molecular_info (6)
Experimental_info (4)
Reference (40)