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Gene: R05F9.8   

Identity (5)
Gene_info Gene_classmsp
Phenotype[C.elegansII] NMK. Encodes MSP (16kD); msp-152 cluster. [Ward et al. (1988); BA]
GO_termGO:0005198 IEA Inferred_automatically
Structured_description Provisional_descriptionmsp-33 encodes a protein that belongs to a family of proteins called the Major Sperm Proteins (MSPs) that is conserved in nematodes; msp-33 has a C. briggsae homolog as predicted by the Wobble Aware Bulk Aligner (WABA); the MSP family consists of closely related, small, basic proteins that make up 15% of sperm protein; this multigene family consists of over fifty genes, including many pseudogenes; MSPs are involved in both extracellular signaling and cytoskeletal functions during reproduction-MSP antagonizes Eph/ephrin signaling, in part, by binding VAB-1 Eph receptor tyrosine kinase on oocytes and sheath cells to promote oocyte maturation and MAPK activation; MSPs assemble into fibrous networks that drive movement of the C. elegans sperm; msp genes are expressed only in late primary spermatocytes. Paper_evidence WBPaper00001023
Date_last_updated06 May 2005 00:00:00
Concise_descriptionmsp-33 encodes a protein that belongs to a family of proteins called the Major Sperm Proteins (MSPs) that is conserved in nematodes; msp-33 has a C. briggsae homolog as predicted by the Wobble Aware Bulk Aligner (WABA); the MSP family consists of closely related, small, basic proteins that make up 15% of sperm protein; this multigene family consists of over fifty genes, including many pseudogenes; MSPs are involved in both extracellular signaling and cytoskeletal functions during reproduction-MSP antagonizes Eph/ephrin signaling, in part, by binding VAB-1 Eph receptor tyrosine kinase on oocytes and sheath cells to promote oocyte maturation and MAPK activation; MSPs assemble into fibrous networks that drive movement of the C. elegans sperm; msp genes are expressed only in late primary spermatocytes.
Molecular_info Corresponding_CDSR05F9.8
Corresponding_PCR_product (54)
Corresponding_RNAi_reagent (56)
Experimental_info RNAi_result (6)
WB_RNAi_result (72)
Reference WBPaper00001023