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Gene/ORF C15H11.8 Ace View of C15H11.8
C15H11.8 Details Help
Homology Group (KOG)  RNA polymerase I transcription factor TFIIS, subunit A12.2/RPA12
GO Terms  DNA binding (GO:0003677) ; transcription factor activity (GO:0003700) ; RNA elongation (GO:0006354) ; regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent (GO:0006355)
Location   V:14424914..14426293
RNAi Phenotypes
Larva Gro ; Gro
Adult Stp ; Stp
External Links  wormbase.org NCBI.org NBrowse
Associated RNAi Experiments View Details
Wild Type RNAi Experiments
Cenix:132-g9 WT
Experiments with Non-Wild Phenotypes
Simmer:C15H11.8 Gro ; Stp
JA:C15H11.8 Emb ; Gro ; Stp
Gene Plot of C15H11.8 Browse using GBrowse
Gene Map