Link to T08B6.6RNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentgeneMap Link to T08B6.6Link to T08B6.1RNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAiRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentRNAi ReagentgeneMap
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RNAi Experiment: MV_SV:mv_T08B6.6 Ace View of MV_SV:mv_T08B6.6
Genes Inhibited How is RNAi inhibition determined?
Gene Inhibited  T08B6.6 (str-166)
Description of "T08B6.6"  Associated GO Term : G-protein coupled receptor activity
Evidence for Inhibition 
Sliding Window Raw score: 858
Relative score: 1 (This gene has the best score for this RNAi reagent)
Specificity index: 1 (RNAi reagent is specific for this gene)
Wormbase (BLAST) RNAi primary
External "T08B6.6" Links  Wormbase NCBI
Gene Inhibited  T08B6.1
KOG Annotation  Splicing factor RNPS1, SR protein superfamily
What's a KOG?
Evidence for Inhibition 
Sliding Window Raw score: 59
External "T08B6.1" Links  Wormbase NCBI
MV_SV:mv_T08B6.6 Phenotypes Help with Phenotypes
Phenotype  WTRNAi did not cause viable post-embryonic phenotype
MV_SV:mv_T08B6.6 Experiment Details Ace View
Laboratory  MV
RNAi Reagent & Type  mv_T08B6.6 (ORFeome_reagent)
Remark  bacterial-feeding RNAi began at the L1 larval stage
Reference  Rual JF et al. (2004) Genome Res "Toward Improving Caenorhabditis elegans Phenome Mapping With an ORFeome-Based ...."
Delivery Method  Bacterial_feeding
Date  2004-9-01
Gene Plot of T08B6.6 Browse using GBrowse
Gene Graph
Gene Plot of T08B6.1 Browse using GBrowse
Gene Graph